Sunday, December 27, 2009

Quick Update

Well friends life speeds on. I intend to get a real post out sometime in the next few days, but wanted to post briefly about what's going on. Life's been pretty crazy as our lab has now finally moved out of Penn State. We essentially bought the Penn State Creamery out of styrafoam shipping boxes, bought hundreds of pounds of dry ice and loaded an 18-Wheeler Semi with the stuff from our lab. And all of that in spite of teaching my coworkers an ancient American proverb that I know "When in doubt; Throw it out." (HT: Dad).

So here are some pictures of the final product of our lab at University Park:

Ying's Photos of Penn State 137 ASI

And what Yuan was working on as of Tuesday in Athens, GA:

It's getting excited getting ready to move to Athens and I hope to post in the next few days what God's been doing of late!