Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Traveling 'round

This post is courtesy of the Longwood Inn here in Brookline, MA. Honestly this inn is pretty awesome. The rooms are super nice, I'm right near all of the hospitals, and the rooms and amenities are super. If you ever need a place to stay on the West side (Longwood) of Boston, check this place out.

That said, those pre-Christmas blog posts never came (silly me thinking that I would actually find time to write the days before Christmas). So in the interim, before those recap posts I figured I'd share what's been going on since New Year's.

Medical school interviewing has taken me all across the Eastern US this week, and I just wanted to write today about how amazing God is. To be perfectly honest, the weather this week has been horrible. In the roughly 36 hours that I was in Nashville, it didn't stop pouring rain once and Boston is covered in snow/deep ice. But in the midst of that God has not only answered prayers for safety, but every single plane flight was safe (in the iciest of conditions) and I haven't even experienced a delay.

Plus, even in the rain and cold God even provided an unexpected shuttle for me in Nashville so that I wouldn't have to wait for another!

I want to mention all of this because I normally freak out about all of those things (weather during traveling and mode of transportations like shuttles and subways especially). However God has been showing me so much this week about trusting him and seeing that he controls rain, air traffic patterns, schedules, snow, ice and all of the things that I think that he's forgotten about, plus that he knows exactly what I need, not what I want and that He has my best interest at heart.

If He allows an ice storm to cover the city I'm flying to, it's not just to spite me, but to somehow show great He is, even if I don't see why at the start.

So how have you all seen God provide recently in unexpected ways for His glory and not your comfort?

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