Friday, August 14, 2009

"God At Work"

So I'm currently reading an awesome book by Gene Veith titled "God at Work." The subtitle says more about it, "Your Christian Vocation in All of Life." (HT: Josh for giving me he and Kristen's extra copy)

Basically it's about the Doctrine of Vocation as found in the Bible. I'm in the middle of it so I won't share many reflections yet until I'm done. But the main reason why I'm excited about it is that it's really easy to forget about the big picture that God has for our role as we live in the world and that God is sovereignly in control for our good over where he has us in our current vocation. That's really good and encouraging news to say someone like me who could think that my vocation is away after medical school which I'm not even in yet, but in reality God has called me a vocation right now in my current occupation, as a citizen, a church member and family member. And that is exactly where He intends for me to be.

Two cool quotes that should whet your whistle for later:

"The purpose of vocation is to love and serve one's neighbor. This is the test, the criteriion, and the guide for how to live out each and every vocation anyone can be called to: How does my calling serve my neighbor? Who are my neighbors in my particular vocation, and how can I serve them with the love of God?" (pp. 39-40)


"..., Christians need to realize that the present is the moment in which we are called to be faithful...This means that vocation is played out not just in extraordinary acts - the great things we will do for the Lord, the great success we envision in our careers someday - but in the realms of the ordinary." (pp. 59)

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